David Hall on hate speech and free speech
We recorded this conversation between Maxim Institute CEO Alex Penk and AUT Senior Researcher David Hall at our MIC event we hosted around hate speech and free speech. Within the evening, we hear them discuss what hate speech means, why free speech matters, the duties we owe each other when we speak and when we decide to limit speech, and what the Government review into hate speech laws should do.
David Hall is a writer, editor and policy researcher based in Auckland. He has written for various publications, including the New Zealand Listener, Pantograph Punch, The Journal for Urgent Writing, and Auckland Art Gallery’s Reading Room Journal. He is currently working on the Christchurch Principles, a project for the 2019 Paris Peace Forum, which proposes a democratic response to dangerous online content. He has a D.Phil in Politics from the University of Oxford and currently holds the role of Senior Researcher at The Policy Observatory, AUT.
Enjoy the listen – you can also check out what they’ve been reading and listening to below:
– The Coddling of the American Mind | Greg Lukianoff & Jonathan Haidt | www.thecoddling.com
– Liberal Arts Education: What’s the point? | Dr. Robert George and Dr. Cornel West | User-248999605 – Liberal-arts-education-whats-the-point-dr-robert-george-and-dr-cornel-west
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